Learning handpan made simple & fun

From 'never played before' to mastering your handpan, embark on a journey with step-by-step courses led by world-renowned teachers and a vibrant community to support you.

Trusted by 38,000 players
Learn the handpan by playing the handpan

Sounds obvious, right? Learn from a no-nonsense, super practical approach.

A proven step-by-step learning process

Reach your goals faster than you ever imagined with guided techniques and skills.

Easier than your
TV remote

Online courses? No computer science degree needed! Our platform is simple to use.


Private lessons can drain your wallet. Relax! Our courses start at under $1 a day.

Learn fast

Everything you need to become a handpan maestro, all in one place

Whether you're an absolute beginner or a seasoned player, our ever-growing course library is designed just for you. Taught by the best handpan players in the world, our classes cover everything you need, from the fundamentals to advanced techniques.

For all levels: from beginners to pro

In-depth handpan courses for all skills

Taught by the finest handpan experts

Step-by-step handpan tutorials
Have fun

Your fast-track to mastery with step-by-step lessons

Our easy-to-understand courses are designed for fast learning through a progressive curriculum, tailored to fit your schedule and lifestyle. Dive into any lesson whenever you want, rewatch as often as you like and track your progress for that extra motivation.

Clear path with step-by-step learning

Easy-to-follow video lesson

Track your progress


Be part of our handpan family, where everyone's got your back

MasterTheHandpan is more than courses. It's a vibrant handpan community that thrives on mutual support, where members connect, share, and inspire each other. Looking for feedback or a nudge? You're in the right place. Welcome to your handpan home.

Private and supportive community

Share, connect, and truly belong

From home, yet never alone

Grow as a player

Leverage the power of the handpan community

To keep growing, it helps to have company. Dive into live and on-demand workshops led by top handpan teachers. We also regularly create fun challenges to boost your growth and foster a vibrant, social vibe, making your handpan journey fun and engaging.

Live and on-demand workshops

Exclusive student coaching

Challenges and rewards

Step-by-step handpan tutorials
Yep, real talk from real students! 😘
L'expérience, voilà un mot fort et représentatif de ces cours. Vous êtes directement immergé dans l'apprentissage construit et très bien réalisé du handpan.
Didier Lété

Didier Lété

Les cours donnés sont très ludique et on y va à notre propre rythme ce qui est appréciable.
Valérie Monney

Valérie Monney

Très ludique, très progressif. Une bonne formation quand on démarre de zéro sans formation rythmique. Bravo!
Benoit Lavau

Benoit Lavau

Bienveillance et pédagogie pour réaliser un rêve, voilà tout ce qu'il me fallait!
Sabrina Lajoie

Sabrina Lajoie

Comment apprendre à jouer du handpan à domicile de façon ludique et sympathique.
Alice Gaïa

Alice Gaïa

Jose Duke

Jose Duke

Méthode ludique pour apprendre . Après à peine deux mois, je m’éclate beaucoup plus avec mon instrument :) génial !
Lilian Violleau

Lilian Violleau

J'ai suivi le cours "Debutant" et j'ai progressé tellement plus vite que si j'avais dû me débrouiller tout seul! Hyper bien fait, pédagogique, accessible, il permet à chacun d'acquérir les bases à son rythme et de se faire très vite plaisir.
Michael Mutzner

Michael Mutzner

Top! Des cours accessibles et très bonne pédagogie.
Bruno Bolle

Bruno Bolle

On trouve ici beaucoup d'infos super...et beaucoup de coeur 🙏
Adrian Vornicu

Adrian Vornicu

38,000 joueurs nous font confiance (et ils nous le disent)

Quelques avis (authentiques) d'étudiants qui nous aiment bien. C'est réciproque. 😘
Plus d'avis

Any skill. Any level.

Whatever you seek, we've got you covered.

Echauffement des doigts
Coordination des mains
Théorie musicale
Rythmes en 3/4
Coordination des mains
Théorie musicale
Rythmes en 3/4
Rythmes en 4/4
Indépendance des mains
Rythmes en 4/4
Indépendance des mains
Gammes et modes
Ear Training
Rythmes en 12/8
Gammes et modes
Ear Training
Rythmes en 12/8

Apprendre le handpan, simplement.

Ne manquez aucun détails

Des leçons vidéos immersives

Tous les tutoriels sont filmés avec une vue immersive du dessus : ainsi votre gauche est la gauche du prof, et votre droite, sa droite. Plus besoin de tout inverser dans votre tête ce qui ralentit considérablement votre rapidité d'apprentissage.

Recréez facilement les mouvements à l’écran

Inutile d'inverser votre gauche/droite

Chaque pattern est montré progressivement

Apprenez, le sourire aux lèvres

Une notation innovante et ludique

Couleurs, chiffres et fantômes (boooooh)... Pour rendre les leçons efficaces et les exercices faciles à retenir, nous avons crée un système de notation  intuitif pour vos mains (et votre cerveau!). Il vous suffira de quelques minutes d'entrainement par jour pour retenir n'importe quel exercice.

Système de notation facile à comprendre

Aucune notion de théorie musicale requise

Apprenez facilement tous les patterns

Les notations ne figurent pas dans tous les cours. Une fois que vous aurez compris les bases, vous n'en aurez pas toujours besoin.

E-book inclus

Votre allié pour progresser

La plupart de nos cours proposent un livret de notation contenant des exercices. Imprimez-le pour continuer l'entrainement de n’importe où, en toute liberté, même dans les endroits reculés sans réseau.

Le format idéal pour apprendre encore plus vite

Simple à imprimer ou à télécharger

Entrainez-vous n'importe où, n'importe quand

Certains cours avancés n'ont pas d'e-book inclus.


Vous êtes au contrôle

Progressez à votre rythme

Plongez dans votre cours quand vous le voulez et aussi souvent que vous le désirez. Notre méthode s'adapte à votre emploi du temps et votre mode de vie.

Une progression simple pour avancer étape par étape

Des leçons vidéo facile à suivre

Visualisez vos progrès

Conçu pour qu'apprendre reste un jeu

Zénitude assurée

Garantie joueur satisfait

Vous vous posez des questions, c’est bien normal. Est-ce la bonne formule pour moi ? Est-ce que je vais m’en servir ? Et surtout, les cours en ligne, est-ce que ça marche vraiment ? (indice : oui). Ne vous inquiétez pas, vous bénéficiez de notre garantie de 14 jours satisfait ou 100% remboursé. Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait, nous vous remboursons, sans poser de questions.

Rien à télécharger, rien à installer

Il vous suffit d'une connection internet pour accéder à une plateforme intuitive et facile d’utilisation.

Assistance disponible en cas de besoin

Vous n’êtes pas seul, nous sommes là pour vous aider, quelles que soient vos questions.

Apprenez à votre rythme
N’importe où, n’importe quand

Où que vous soyez, nos cours viennent à vous : accessible depuis votre ordinateur, tablette ou téléphone mobile.

Fits your handpan

Compatible with your handpan

Got a central note on top and notes around it? Perfect! This course is 100% compatible with your handpan. Watch Explanation

Got a handpan on your lap?
Get started (for free)

Access to 100+ free lessons
Learn from all our teachers and transform your playing in no time

Access to our private community
Experience live workshops, challenges, and so much more

For all levels
No prior knowledge required

Fun Extras
Who doesn’t love a bonus treat?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is MasterTheHandpan?

MasterTheHandpan is an online platform providing a range of handpan courses for every level, taught by the world's best handpan teachers, alongside a vibrant global community of students. We're excited to welcome you to the family!

Is MasterTheHandpan suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! In fact, MasterTheHandpan was born with beginners in mind. Thousands have started their handpan journey with us, enjoying step-by-step video lessons that are both fun and effective. Check out all our courses to see which one is best for you.

Am I too old to learn handpan?

Age? Just a number! You're never too old to dive into the handpan world. At MasterTheHandpan, we have students from every age bracket and corner of the globe. So, whether you're in your 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, or even celebrating more candles on your cake, you'll find like-minded handpan enthusiasts right here, eager to embark on this musical journey with you.

Do I need to be tech-savvy to learn through your platform?

Not at all! MasterTheHandpan is designed to be user-friendly. You can easily navigate through the platform, and if you ever encounter any issues, our support team is here to help.

How does your 100% Money Back Guarantee work?

Our goal is to ensure the best learning experience for you. If MasterTheHandpan isn't meeting your expectations, just let us know within 14 days of your purchase. We'll provide a 100% Money Back Guarantee, with no questions asked.

Which course is the best fit for me?

Let's find the right path for you!

  • Just starting out? our best sellers The 'Essentials' or 'Level 1' courses are by far your go-to.
  • Already have some experience? Check out 'Go Further' or 'Level 2' to level up.

These four are our foundational courses, setting you up with a solid base.

Looking for something specific? We’ve got several masterclasses. Just remember, they do assume you’re familiar with the basics. Sure, you can dive right in, but starting with the basics usually helps.

If making choices isn’t your cup of tea, we've got an exciting offer! MasterTheHandpan Academy bundles everything: all our courses (including upcoming ones), and exclusive access to our private community with some stellar content like Q&A sessions, workshops, and challenges. It's a great space to stay motivated and mingle with fellow handpan enthusiasts. The academy is also the most cost-effective, given the immense value packed inside.

Check out all our courses

Still not sure? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. We're here to guide you.

Is my instrument compatible with your courses?

Have a center note on top with notes around it? Perfect! Every single one of our courses is designed to be 100% compatible with instruments like the Handpan and the tongue drum. Different scales, note counts, colors? We've got you covered.

Since this is a very popular concern, we've prepared a 3-video series to clear everything up.

How much does MasterTheHandpan cost?

Prices vary based on the course you select. Check out all our courses to see detailed pricing

Can I access the courses on multiple devices?

Yes, you can access our courses on multiple devices. Whether you prefer to learn on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, you'll have full access to all course materials.

How do I enroll?

Enrolling in our courses is easy. Simply choose the course you're interested in, and click on the enroll button. Follow the prompts to complete the enrollment process.

Need More Help?

If you still have questions, don't hesitate to reach out. Our friendly customer care team is here to help and would be thrilled to have a chat with you.