🚀 La Masterclass de Hang Massive est lancée – Gagnez un handpan !
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My New Year message to MTH fans

My New Year message to MTH fans

Hello to all my lovely MasterTheHandpan fans! I just want to say an enormous THANK YOU for your support with both the MTH website and my blog.

I wouldn’t be here without you, your comments, your suggestions and your feedback. I didn’t anticipate so many readers and so much love. I feel truly blessed and grateful.

We’ve had an incredible 2018 together.

Our Music Theory course with Laurent has been such a success and has helped so many of you to understand musical expression and boost your composition skills.

Then, we had the pleasure of opening our doors to New Jersey’s finest, Dan Mulqueen. He taught us some impressive new percussive skills and fab grooves.

We’ve been listening to you and your needs every step of the way… and 2019 is set to be even more exciting, with tonnes of new features, tutorials and masterclasses, a special course for RAV players and much, much more.

So, HAPPY NEW YEAR! May the learning and fun continue 😀

I’m off to hibernate for a while. I’ll be back on the 15th January. I’ll still be posting a bit on facebook. In the meantime, if you need your handpan fix over the holidays, here are the Five Best Reads of 2018:

  1. Do you want to buy a handpan? Here’s all you need to know.
  2. How to choose a microphone for the handpan?
  3. Introducing the Shellock
  4. Stainless steel Handpans: Just a fad?
  5. What is the best equipment for recording handpan?

You’ve been amazing this year. And I can’t wait to see you all in 2019!

PS: I have many ideas for blog articles for 2019 but if you have any ideas for topics you would like me to write about, please feel free to leave me your suggestions by clicking HERE.

✨ Hang Massive rejoint MasterTheHandpan ! ✨
Don't miss it

My New Year message to MTH fans

My New Year message to MTH fans

I wouldn’t be here without you, your comments, your suggestions and your feedback. I didn’t anticipate so many readers and so much love. I feel truly blessed and grateful.

We’ve had an incredible 2018 together.

Our Music Theory course with Laurent has been such a success and has helped so many of you to understand musical expression and boost your composition skills.

Then, we had the pleasure of opening our doors to New Jersey’s finest, Dan Mulqueen. He taught us some impressive new percussive skills and fab grooves.

We’ve been listening to you and your needs every step of the way… and 2019 is set to be even more exciting, with tonnes of new features, tutorials and masterclasses, a special course for RAV players and much, much more.

So, HAPPY NEW YEAR! May the learning and fun continue 😀

I’m off to hibernate for a while. I’ll be back on the 15th January. I’ll still be posting a bit on facebook. In the meantime, if you need your handpan fix over the holidays, here are the Five Best Reads of 2018:

  1. Do you want to buy a handpan? Here’s all you need to know.
  2. How to choose a microphone for the handpan?
  3. Introducing the Shellock
  4. Stainless steel Handpans: Just a fad?
  5. What is the best equipment for recording handpan?

You’ve been amazing this year. And I can’t wait to see you all in 2019!

PS: I have many ideas for blog articles for 2019 but if you have any ideas for topics you would like me to write about, please feel free to leave me your suggestions by clicking HERE.